Loom Doctor services

Loom Repair

Need help with a sticky warp?

Brake system not keeping tension and you don’t know why?

A second pair of hands in constructing your loom?

Jennifer can help! For a small hourly fee and travel expenses, she will arrive at your loom’s side to help you through any issues. (Zoom consultation might be able to get you weaving quickly again.)

Loom Restoration

Do you have a loom in need of restoration?

Found a fabulous loom but not sure if it’s right for you?

Jennifer can provide advice many different kinds of looms - of all vintages. She can provide pointed questions to help you find a loom to serve you for years.

Jennifer also restores looms of all makes and vintages. Her favorite restoration project is a 1915 Lervad counter-balance as shown at right, now a permanent part of her studio.

Contact Jennifer for more information!